Wilderness Canyon Backpack Trip Update

BSA Troop 287 —  May 17, 2018 — Leave a comment


Here is the information for this weekend’s camp out. WE DO NEED DRIVERS TO TAKE US THERE AND PICK US UP. PLEAD READ AND CONTACT ME DIRECTLY IF YOU CAN DO THAT!! seanmwarner@gmail.com 719-648-6798

Back Pack Route:

Hiking Route Wigwam

  1. We will start at the Wigwam Trail Head. Here is the link on google maps to the location.  We need Drivers to bring all the scouts (7 Scouts and 4 Adults with Gear) there on Friday and Drop us off!!!  https://goo.gl/maps/F6v8BJLvqKq
  2. We will hike west along the Wigwam Trail then turn south on the Goose Creek Trail then look for a place to camp out on Friday Night.
  3. On Saturday morning we will continue to move south along the Goose Creek Trail until we arrive at the T-Intesection of McCurdy Trail and Goose Creek Trail. We then may split into two ability groups…the long route will go west along McCurdy Trail and the shorter route will go south along the Goose Creek Trail. There will be two adult leaders with each group.  We may decide to stay together. We will camp somewhere along the trail on Saturday night.
  4. Sunday morning we will wake up and make our way east along Hankins Gulch Trail  to the pick up point at Goose Creek Trail Head. The location and route on Google Maps is here: https://goo.gl/maps/F5cLHEJFJrJ2  We need Drivers to bring all the scouts (7 Scouts and 4 Adults with Gear) there on Sunday about 11am-noon and Pick Us UP!!!! Wait there until we get there…

Time Line:

18 May:

5pm – Meet at United Wilson Methodist Church. Please have permission slip filled out.

19 May: Make Men out of Boys by developing rugged mountain backpacking skills.

20 May:

11am – Drivers pick us up at Goose Creek Trailhead

1pm – Arrive Back at Church


Packing List * It will Rain!! Don’t over Pack!! 

  • 2 liters of water (two Nalgene Bottles or One Nalgene and one camelback)
  • Backpacking backpack (Please make sure it fits your scout around the waist. Costco sells an adjustable Sierra Designs 45l backpack for about $50) Rain cover for backpack (could be tough garbage bag>
  • Lightweight sleeping bag (rated to 35 degree)* Please no enormous car camping sleeping bags that will cause your scout to struggle.
  • Sleeping pad
  • 2 x Gallon Size zip lock Bag (One for Smellables and One for Trash) Write your name on both with a Sharpie
  • Hygiene kit (hand sanitizer, toothbrush & toothpaste, TOILET PAPER)
  • Hiking shoes (broken in). *wear them over the next couple of days if they are new.
  • Mess kit (At a minimum a spoon and cup)
  • At least one pair of extra clothes that match the weather (probably at least three pairs of socks) No Cotton Jeans if you can. Target, Walmart and Big 5 sports sells very affordable quick dry clothes.
  • Beanie cap and hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Light jacket
  • Rain jacket ( can also be the light jacket)
  • Bug Spray or cream
  • Headlamp or flashlight (extra batteries)
  • First aid kit
  • Matches / Lighter
  • Lint (tinder)
  • Pocket knife (make sure you have totin chit)
  • List of requirements the need to be signed off ( a photo copy of the requirement page in the book is a good idea)
  • Compass (every scout will be doing navigation on this one)
  • Allergy medicine if you need it.


* This is the menu the scouts camp up with. I understand that they decided Ignacio is buying the Bagels, ham, cheese and Muffins.  The Rest is on  your own! A mountain man meal is a dehydrated meal that you can buy at any sports store like REI. Costco has a good deal on a box of them. You are free to swap the mountain man meal with something of your choice but please make sure you can simply heat the meal up with water. We do not like cooking food in the Troop stoves.

Fri Dinner: Bring your own to eat in the car on the way up (On Your Own)

Sat break: Plain bagels with ham & cheese (cheddar) – Ignacio will buy

Sat Lunch: Mountain man Meal (On Your Own)

Sat dinner: Mountain Man  (On Your Own)

Sun Break: Muffins (chocolate & blueberry) — Ignacio will buy

Snacks: Chewy bars (Ignacio will buy) . Scouts may bring their own if they want too. Please no heavy sugar stuff. I’m sure Blake and I will bring enough of that stuff 🙂


Note: If you are doing a scoutmaster conference then you will need your handbook! Or at least a photo copy of the rank achievements of that Rank from your book!


Please contact me with an questions!




BSA Troop 287


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