Welcome back from your well deserved Spring Break!
Now, we need to get back into it!
In March we had 1: Rank ADV; 2: Camp Planning; 3: Game Night (Spring Break); and now we need to round out our month with some Merit Badge work.
We do not have a badge planned for this week, so we will try and finish up a few outstanding merit badge items.
Mr Petree has Indian Lore, if you all remember that one! I can finish up (if you bring in your work) some Emergency Preparation, some Crime Prevention items. If there is a Merit Badge you would like to start (as an individual or a Troop-PLC) let me know and we will get it going next month.
April will look something like this:
1: Rank ADV
2: Merit Badge
3: Camp Prep – 5W’s still to come. (also this may be rearranged depending on adult supervision availability and weekend planning)
4: Game Night
Also, PLC will need to come up with a plan for camping in April and some merit badges to throw on the calendar. I know we did this in the before times, but now we need to rehash it and get it going.
Lastly, on Wednesday night, Pack 166 is having their crossover ceremony. We will be there to receive two Scouts (one has been with us for a couple of months, and the other visited us a couple weeks ago.
Foothills Elementary School at 5:30pm. Class A uniforms, please! Lets get as many of us there as possible. I know I will be there, which means at least one of the PLs will be there!
Talk to you all tomorrow,