At Tuesday’s meeting we’ll be hosting Webelo’s 2’s as they contemplate the big move to Boy Scouts! Let’s have a good showing to tell them about Awesome Troop 287! We need all Scouts to show in Class A’s as we encourage these Webelo’s to continue on their Scouting journey. We’ll be setting up tents, building small fires, and tying knots (all Scout led) as we discuss Troop 287’s upcoming activities, to include summer camp and a high adventure backpacking trip or canoe trip this summer!.
We will also have a lock-in at WUMC on 29-30 Jan (Fri-Sat) with more information to be provided at Tuesday’s meeting. Scout Sunday will also be Sunday, 31 Jan, at WUMC. Lots of fun activities coming up! See you Tuesday at 7 pm!