Visit to D11 School Board Meeting for Communications Merit Badge

BSA Troop 287 —  December 12, 2012 — Leave a comment

Tonight, several of the scouts of T287 (Tyler, Michel, Franklin, Sam M., Ben, Nick, and Stefan) attended the D11 school board meeting as a requirement for the Communications merit badge.

For the boys who are working on the Communications MB but couldn’t attend, they can watch the replay of the meeting on TV. Here’s the information from the D11 meeting:

District 11 board meetings can been seen live Wednesday nights on Comcast Channel 16 and Falcon Broadband channel 73, Regular meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and Work sessions begin at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise posted, and are rebroadcast on Friday mornings at 10am and Saturday and Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m.

To still get credit, the boys must watch the meeting and be able to answer the following questions:

Who’s the superintendent of D11?
How did they start the meeting?
What sports teams were recognized at the beginning of the meeting?
What organization presented a check for D11 arts program? And How much money was the check for?
What type of audit was presented? How was it presented?
How much “liability” will d11 take on next year?
If the boys miss the replays of tonight’s meeting, they’ll have to attend another school board (or government) meeting on their own with a parent or guardian and write a report on how the meeting was conducted and what topics were discussed?

BSA Troop 287


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