Hi Scout Families,
When you are done opening presents and bored with video games, join Mr. Hatch and Mr. Holpuch for a USAFA Scout Hut campout on Dec 27-28th!

The USAFA “scout hut” has heat, a bathroom and cooking facilities. Scouts will need to bring or borrow a cot, sleeping bag, clothes, and 10 essentials. We may need a parent to help with the car pool to/from USAFA depending on the turnout.
Please sign up before Dec 26th if you plan to attend:
Campout Plan:
27 Dec @ 3:45pm (meet at troop scout barn, depart for USAFA @ 4pm)
3 meals planned (dinner through lunch).
Return after lunch on 28 Dec
Activities –
* Cooking and meal planning
* Hiking
* Pool (to do rescue for 1st class requirement or swim test)
Whatever else we come up with