Scouting Parents! Apologies for my lack of communication last night. It was hectic getting settled in our camp. We are sharing our camp with a troop from Texas, but we have clear boundary lines. All the boys are well last night and this morning. They are all getting to their assigned classes and are having a good time so far. More updates and possibly photos to follow later on. Take care, Dan McGuire.
Scouting Parents! Day two update: All is well here at Camp A, in Sioux Camp! They boys are well on their way to earning their assigned badges and the younger scouts are doing well in their rank advancement classes. There are a few aches and pains for some of our boys, which is to be expected, especially for first time campers. Some of the treks to the badge sites is a distance. We are tonsuring your boys are taken care of. If you need anything or have any concerns, please let me know.
Yours in Scouting,
Dan McGuire
Scout Parents! Good Wednesday evening! The weather has been great yesterday and today and is expected to be nice over the next couple of days. The boys are learning a great deal in their classes and working hard toward rank advancement. Our “first four” scouts (Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd and 1st Class) completes a five mile hike as part of the program. Haven’t heard too many complaints out side of minor aches and pains. They are doing great. A few calls home for some to calm their nerves and such have worked wonders to get them back on track. They are all eating well, learning and having fun. Our youngest scouts completed a service project together to help out the camp. All is well. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have concerns, questions, or comments. Sorry for the long post.
Dan McGuire