UPDATES: COH Postponed, Flags coming soon

BSA Troop 287 —  May 15, 2017 — Leave a comment

So so everyone knows “The Plan”….here are some updates:

  1. This week’s meeting will not be a COH. Our next COH will be in August. This meeting will be focused on planning this weekend’s campout to Terryall.
  2. Scott Jirous earned his Eagle Scout! His Eagle COH will be Sunday, May 28 at 1:00 PM at United Wilson Methodist Church. This is such a significant event that there will be a separate post about this soon. We are so proud of Scott Jirous.
  3. Memorial Day Flags is coming up on May 29th. Please sign up on Sign Up Genius at www.SignUpGenius.com/go/20F054BACA929A4FC1-memorialTime for the scouts to make some money to support their scouting activities!  We have about 250 American Flags to put out in the moring and retrieve at night. This is such a great way to offset costs an honor such an important holiday.

    We will have 5 routes, 2 scouts for each route, 1 adult driver and 1 adult Navigator for each route. We will attempt to pair experienced people with un-experienced people. Please, we need each route filled completely. This is how we can afford to pay for awards and offset activity costs.

    Those who volunteer to drive need to have a car that you can put about 55 flags in the back of…preferably a pick up, SUV, mini-van, etc. We do have one trailer that someone can tow.

    We will have a Flag orientation meeting on May 23rd. We would like all Parents to attend this meeting. Its very important!! …or at least one parent from each scout 🙂

BSA Troop 287


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