Troop 287,
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I’m eating leftovers as I write this so I’m very thankful right now.
Tuesday’s meeting will consist of a Uniform Inspection, Merit Badge Make Up and Rank Advancement Activities. Recent Merit Badges are Family Life, Personal Management, and Hiking. You may also approach an adult leader with work you’ve done on other merit badges or rank advancements to get signatures.
On Dec 3rd the church is having a tree lighting ceremony. We some scouts and adults to volunteer to park cars and support the event. You will be free to enjoy craft and food vendors, family activities, entertainment and the lighting of the community Christmas tree at this FREE event on Friday, December 2, starting at 5:30 pm.
We are feeding the homeless on Christmas day at the Sacred Heart Church at 5:45pm. We help serve the homeless and needy a few times a year. This year it happens to fall on Christmas. While this could be seen as an inconvenience for us, imagine the joy the hungry will feel to have their belly’s full on Christmas day. The joy of helping others just might be the best Christmas gift that you can give yourselves.
Both the Christmas Tree Lighting and Soup Kitchen sign ups have been sent to you through Signup Genus.
The 20 Mile hike that was scheduled for Dec 3rd is going to be rescheduled.
Please attend Franklin Woodard’s Eagle COH on Dec 3rd at Wilson Methodist Church.
Finally, as a reminder we will not have an official meeting in December. We have the events listed above and the Community Service at the WWII Aviation museum on December 10th at 10am.