This Tuesday we are going to do a couple of things. First we are going to finish up the cooking merit badge. The only achievement was to make a backpacking meal using a camp stove. Bring something to cook up in the Jet Boil stove, show you know how to work the stove and cook the meal. Bring your mess kit to eat the meal with. The meal should be fairly simple and able to be heated simply by boiling water.
We will also be working on getting ready for summer camp. Please bring your BSA Physical Form and any additional paperwork if you have it. The Colorado Addendum form is required as well. Both of these forms can be found at the top of the website under Summer Camp 2017. The packing list is located there as well. Start putting all that stuff together. The 13th will be the final night to turn in all paperwork and we will go through the Summer Camp packing list. This is the final link to the leader’s guide which has all the information that parents might want to know about summer camp.
Finally, we will do some rank advancement and merit badge completion activities if we have time.