We’ll have a meeting Tuesday, March 29th, 7 pm at WUMC to finalize details for the Lazy Campout. We’ll be camping this Fri-Sat (1-2 Apr) in the vicinity of the WUMC church barn (hereafter referred to as Camp Wilson!). Show time is 5 pm Friday and we’ll be done at 3 pm Saturday afternoon. Please eat a snack prior to arrival and bring a signed waiver. We’ll cook Friday night dinner and Saturday breakfast and lunch during the campout. On Saturday we’ll work on rank advancement items, and new Scouts will earn the Totin’ Chip and Firem’n Chit (which will allow them to carry/use knives and build fires).
Individual items to bring to Camp Wilson: Scout Handbook, pen, sleeping bag and pad, clothes, hat/gloves, flashlight, knife (if you’ve earned the Totin’ chit), camp chair (optional), bowl or plate, cup, spoon/fork, toothbrush/comb,. You can pack all items in a duffel bag or backpack. We will use Troop tents, stoves, and other equipment during the campout.
Cost for the campout is $12. At Tuesday’s meeting we need to finalize camper names, collect $12 cash or check (payable to Troop 287) or verify use of Scout Account Funds, and collect waiver forms. If you will be camping but not attending the Tuesday meeting, please let me know so I can verify participation and make alternate arrangements.
Upcoming Events
29 Mar, Tuesday: 7 pm meeting at WUMC
1-2 Apr, Fri-Sat: Lazy Campout at Camp Wilson
5 Apr, Tuesday: NO MEETING (see info for Pack 6 Crossover and Game Night alternative below)
6 Apr, Wednesday: Pack 6 Webelo Crossover to Troop 287. This will occur at Howbert Elementary beginning at 5:50 pm and ending around 8:15 pm. Need 4 Scouts (preferably Scouts who were previously in Pack 6) for a flag detail and to welcome the new Scouts. Participating Scouts will earn a pebble for their Centennial patch.
7 Apr, Thursday: Game Night, 6-7:30 pm, Dart Warz (http://www.dartwarz.com/content/colorado-springs-co). Please fill out the online waiver via the link on the website prior to arrival. Cost is $6 for one hour of play (to be verified).
12 Apr, Tuesday: NO MEETING (see info for BOE meeting below)
13 Apr, Wednesday: D-11 Board of Education meeting for Scouts working on Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge. Please be there promptly at 6:20 pm so we can get our seats (District 11 Boardroom, 1115 N. El Paso St). Meeting will begin at 6:30 pm and we’ll depart the meeting at around 7:30 pm (at a convenient and nondisruptive time since the meeting continues until around 9:30 pm)
19 Apr, Tuesday: Resume normal Tuesday meeting at WUMC, 7 pm.
If you have any questions shoot me an e-mail at jonu_1999@yahoo.com. See you Tuesday! |