We’ll start up with our regular weekly meetings beginning this Tuesday! Here is what’s on the agenda.
-Bring your Personal Management merit badge workbook. We’ll continue with the merit badge requirements. If you haven’t developed a budget and begun to track expenses/income, now’s a great time to start!
-We’ll plan activities for the following Tuesday’s meeting (Jan 19th) when we’ll be hosting Webolos in pursuit of their Arrow of Light!
-Due to conflicting activities for many scouts, I’ve cancelled our participation in the Klondike Derby for next weekend (15-17 Jan). There is the possibility of a campout at the USAFA Freezoree (29-31 Jan) but I will need at least one (and preferably two) adults who can attend with me. Please discuss participation in the Freezoree with your scout, and if you (adult) can help out please e-mail me at jonu_1999@yahoo.com.
See everybody at WUMC Tuesday at 7 pm!