Tuesday – Annual Planning Meeting – SPL Meeting – Other stuff too..

BSA Troop 287 —  September 4, 2017 — Leave a comment

Hey Scouts,

Thank you those that did Flags today! You are all supporting the Troop! However, we have the same parents doing it all the time and desperately need some more Parents driving 🙂

So this Tuesday we have an Annual Planning meeting. We got a little start the other day before the ascent but we will finish it up. We will apply Merit Badges and Activities to each month through next August.   I would also really like parent involvement if you have good ideas. Let’s continue to make this Troop full of Adventure and fun!!

Some other things to look at:

Finally, I kinda hurt my foot and I might not be able to make the Canoeing Trip because I might have surgery. For planning, I need someone with a military ID able to get the canoes from the Air Force Academy and potentially someone to run this campout.




BSA Troop 287


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