At Tuesday’s meeting new Scouts will be completing the last of the Tenderfoot fitness requirements. We’ll be doing pushups, situps, stretches, and running/walking 1 mile. This is an important meeting for current Scout Rank members to attain Tenderfoot. For this meeting all Scouts should wear the Class B Troop T-shirt, shorts, and appropriate shoes (no need to dress like this guy!). Older Scouts will help with the fitness requirements. As always, please bring your Scout Handbook so we can sign off advancement items!
After completing the fitness portion of the meeting we’ll be planning August events. There is a campout for new Scouts from Aug 5-7 and we’ll have more details at the meeting. For older Scouts (1st Class rank and above) we’ll be planning the 30 mile backpacking trip in Lost Creek Wilderness (Aug 4-7). After the meeting we’ll have information and waivers available for parents.
See you Tuesday!