We have 14 Scouts headed to camp tomorrow morning. We will meet at the barn at 1030 to load as much equipment in the trailer and my truck as possible. This is because Cris Dobbins only allows one vehicle into the camp; all others must be parked in the main parking lot. We will be able to drive up, drop the trailer, and then return the truck to the main parking lot for the week (bummer).
We have plenty of seats right now, with Blake (7), Paul (4), Chris (3), and me (3) driving. We will make seat assignments in the morning, and tent assignments will also be made in accordance with YPT and Cris Dobbins guidelines (Scout ages must be within 2 years).
Tomorrow, we sign in to camp at 1pm, which means there will not be a provided lunch. Please be prepared and bring a lunch for yourself to eat while all the check-in process is happening and we are setting up camp.
Parents, If there are any last minute meds or anything like that, please let us know tomorrow morning. Bring a signed note along with the meds, just in case the medics need something like that. I know a couple of kids are battling slight illnesses and such.
Parents/Family night is Friday night. Information can be found in the Cris Dobbins Program Guide as to directions, parking, check in times, and all that. If you want to or need to, you can take your Scout home Friday night (we have some Scouts with activities on Saturday and such). Plus, Saturday is a clean-up and get out day for us anyway, so no big deal if we lose a couple of Scouts.
I will do my best to communicate with a nightly text message to parents recapping the day’s events. You can use the text message to coordinate with other parents for car pooling or whatever on Friday for parents night. Or not, you guys can figure all that out. I just need to know by Wednesday who plans on coming up so the camp can plan for food and all that.
Anyway, enough rambling from me. If there is anything we are missing, we will try and remember it for next year. See you in the morning.