T-Shirt orders

Ray Petree —  September 23, 2020 — Leave a comment

Troop, Here is the order form for Troop T-shirts. Several of you have ordered and paid. We are just about to place an order (minimum 12 units to place the order) so I wanted to push this out one more time to give you all one last opportunity to get your order in before we place it.

Print, fill out, and bring it to the game night on Tuesday, or email it to me (geren.mcguire@hotmail.com) to get your order in. I will place the order next Wednesday.

You can get any color shirt you want (standard is Forest Green). Geren said he is getting red; I am getting black because we both already have green ones. Just make sure you annotate the color you desire on the sheet so we know what to order. just so you know: the ink will be white, so if you pick a different color, make sure it is complimented with the white ink. There is a upcharge for different colored inks.

Anyway, enough from me for this post.

Deadline Tuesday night, 29 Sep at the game night for hand in, or via email.


Ray Petree


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