Summer Camp Update! Pics!

BSA Troop 287 —  June 16, 2016 — Leave a comment

From the desk/tent of Camp Commander Sean Warner…with apologies as it appears internet connection in the wilderness isn’t what it should be!

“It’s day 3 here at Camp A and the boys woke up in good spirits this morning.  Yesterday the Scouts did some rifle and shotgun shooting, finished up their basketry and art merit badges, and practiced some life saving techniques on the pool!  …this means that most Scouts actually showered yesterday too :). For the astronomy merit badge Scouts stayed up to 11pm identifying constellations. We also pulled dining facility duties to feed the camp and cleaned up. The day ended with the Order of the Arrow ceremony where we got to see and participate in Native American dance.  It was a hot day here yesterday and some of the boys looked pretty tired and dehydrated last night. We constantly encourage hydration and sunscreen to offset the heat. Today the new Scouts start leatherwork and the woodcarving merit badges and go on a 5 mile hike while the older Scouts continue canoeing, swimming, shotgun, auto maintenance, climbing and other. This afternoon the entire troop gets to participate in a scout carnival and we also get some troop time so we are going to make cobbler on the Dutch ovens! Personally, JC and I are having a great time and appreciate getting to know each and everyone of you Scouts!”

Day 4:

“Yesterday, was a fun day.  The new Scouts started leather work and wood working merit badges and made some pretty cool stuff.  The new Scouts also completed their 5 Mile hike for their rank advancement. The shooting sports is going well and most kids in camp have qualified with the rifle, shotgun and archery. The boys had a carnival in the afternoon where they played games and ate hamburgers and slushies. The adults were fed Buffalo steaks so we were also happy! At night we had troop time and made some yummy cobbler, roasted marshmallows and told ghost stories! Another fun day at Camp A!!!

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BSA Troop 287


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