Summer Camp Stuff!!!
This information is permanently linked at the top of the page under Summer Camp 2017
Make sure you have Scout Physical’s completed. Download, print and bring this exact form to your doctor. No other physical form will be accepted. Parts A, B and C must be completed. Scout’s that do not have this filled out and signed by their medical provider will not go to summer camp. Download your physical form here: lestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_ABC.pdf
The next most important priority is to schedule and get your scout physicals completed using the BSA Physical Form. YOU MUST USE ONLY THIS FORM to go to summer camp. Any other form will not work. Your medical provider MUST SIGN PART C of this form. The Parent will fill out Part A and B. I would like to collect all Physicals by June 13th.
I cannot stress how important the merit badge selection part is. Please submit what merit badges you would like to do by the Tuesday May 2nd!!! Merit Badge Section: Read and select what Merit Badges you would like as soon as you can. The Merit Badge Information starts on Page 20 and the Schedule is on Page 9. Look at the pre-requisites. Find the merit badges in the 2017 Chris Dobbins Program Guide Here:
- Sleeping Bag
- Small mattress, cot or pad (mattresses are not provided)
- Small pillow (optional)
- Sleep clothing
- Good walking shoes or hiking boots (please break in before summer camp)
- Sneakers ( for backup and games)
- 3-8 pair socks – Preferably wool, easier to dry and keep feet warm when wet.
- 3-8 changes of underwear
- 2 pair of shorts – nylon works very well
- 2-3 T-shirts
- 1 hat (broad-brim is best)
- Scout Uniform
- Belt
- Swimsuit
- Long sleeve shirt(s)
- Long pants
- Fleece or sweater – Avoid cotton sweatshirts, as they are useless when wet.
- Outer jacket
- Rain gear – Needs to cover the whole body. Poncho alone is inadequate. Rain jacket/pantsare best.
- Long underwear – optional for those who get cold easily
- Stocking cap or beanie – optional
- Daypack – big enough to carry rain gear, water bottle, class materials
- Tarp (required for any outpost programs)
- Water bottle – 1 quart
- Toilet kit – toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, shampoo, soap, washcloth, lip balm
- Sunscreen
- Personal first aid kit – see Handbook
- Towel(s)
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- Alarm Clock and/or wristwatch
- Notebook and pencils/pens
- Merit badge books, Scout Handbook
- Work done at home for merit badges, and/or things needed for Merit Badges
- Medical Form (completely filled out and signed before camp)
- Medications in original container
- Eyeglasses and/or sunglasses
- Small camera-optional
- Swim goggles-optional
- Pocketknife – small – optional, must have whittlin or totin chip.
- Compass – optional
- Whistle- optional by troop
- Spending money, money for class/fees, in a wallet with your name
Ten Essentials of Scouting
- Rain Gear (should provide adaquet coverage)
- Waterbottle
- First-Aid Kit
- Sun Protection
- Flashlight
- Trail Food
- Extra Clothing
- Map and Compass
- Pocketknife (need totin chip)
- Matches and Fire Starter (for emerganciesonly, no open fires allowed at PV)
What Not To Pack
We want every participant who comes to Peaceful Valley to Be Prepared, but there are plenty of items that you should not bring to camp. There are also many items that are prohibited at camp, doing so will result in confiscation or even the participant being asked to leave ranch.
We suggest you do not bring the following items:
- Gaming consoles of any kind
- Laptops or Tablets
- Excessive amounts of money
- Expensive electronics
- Irreplaceable items (books, jewelry, grandfather’s pocket knife, etc.)
Under Colorado State Law, any Scouts bringing medication to camp, including herbal supplements and vitamins must adhere to the following procedures. All medication and herbal supplements must be checked in upon arrival to camp and will be made available by the Camp’s medical sta through-out the week. This includes all over-the-counter medications. i.e. aspirin, Tylenol, etc. We ask however that you do not send these medications to camp as we have them available at the Health Lodge. Any adult bringing
medication must secure and lock their medication in their campsite.
All prescription medication must come to camp in the original bottle from the pharmacy. The label must
a. The camper’s name
b. Date of prescription
c. Doctor’s name and phone number d. Correct Dosage
“The State of Colorado requires both the parent and doctor signature in order for Camp Alexander to distribute medications. If the signature lines are not signed, Camp Alexander is not allowed to administer any prescription or non-prescription medication.”
Daily pill containers are not permitted under Colorado Law.
Please do not cover-up information and instructions on the medication. A letter or prescription from a licensed medical practitioner (MD, DO, PA-C or RNP) must accompany the vitamins or herbal remedies with the name of the camper, the type of vitamins or herbal remedies, the dosage and the times of dispensing. If these requirements are not met, the vitamins or herbal remedies will not be made available. They will be placed in a locked container in the Health Lodge and returned to the troop leader at the end of the week.
No adult leader or parent will be allowed to dispense any medication, vitamins or herbal remedies to any camper without the approval of the Camp Health O cer. (CO Dept. of Human Services) The ONLY medications that will be allowed to remain with the camper, by law, are rescue inhalers, epi-pens or ana-kits for allergic reactions. The type of rescue inhalers will be determined by the camp medical sta . Medications and herbal supplements in pill boxes and non-original containers are considered contaminated and will be disposed of. Please send only enough medication for the week.
It is the responsibility of the adult leaders to ensure that Scouts are taking their medication during the week. Unit leaders must accompany their campers to the Health Lodge for their medications. Please try and bring all your Scouts taking medication at the same time. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the adult leaders, at departure from camp, to collect any medications or herbal supplements from the Health Lodge.
In order for speedy check-in please have each Scouts parent complete the Medication Log Form. This form is used to log the medication administered to each person. If no medications are administered then no log is needed.
Any camper, upon check-in, requiring treatment for a pre-existing condition (i.e., wound care) should bring a note from a doctor or parent, along with the sterile supplies necessary to perform the care, and instructions stating what on-going treatment needs to be done. We are happy to assist so that treatment can take place in a clean environment. Our medical sta is not permitted by law to administer injections.