Here is a link to the Cris Dobbins Camp Program Guide. Please check it out and on page 10 is a list of merit badges they are offering (also pasted below).
This is what they suggest: select up to 15 merit badges. Prioritize them in the order you want to take them. You will likely get top 5, but we need to have a few back up options in case the classes are full or whatever.
Bring your selections to the next meeting, or email them to me so we can get you registered for the badges you want.
In years past camps have suggested for First Year campers to take the Eagle Bound classes. My recommendation is to take the actual merit badges and not those. We can take care of the Rank requirement stuff within the Troop. Aslo, because MB opportunity is lower due to covid, get these ones while you can sort of thinking.
Here is the list: