After reviewing your input as well as looking at availability across camps for the dates we scheduled for summer camp we have selected and registered the Troop to attend Camp Alexander July 9th-15th 2023.
It is an outstanding camp right here in our backyard.
Summer camp is open to all scouts. No restrictions on age or rank. It is the best time to earn lots of merit badges. More info to come over the next couple of months on this year’s offerings.
The camp will cost $440 per scout and $330 per scoutmaster/adult and this cost includes all lodging, facility use, and food for the entire week. We will be putting payment plan information out soon. Check out the web link below.
The first step is to sign up. Please do so on the following signup genius to reserve your slot.
All attendees will need to have all completed medical forms turned in to the Troop by the end of May this year. This will be the standard BSA form A, B, and C as well as a Contract To Carry for any individuals who have medications they carry on their person. The forms can be found on the Camp Alexander web link above.
Again, please signup early to attend this awesome adventure!
Yours in Scouting
Mr. Petree