BSA Troop 287 voted for Philmont as the high-adventure for the summer of 2025. As such, we secured a reservation for 7/12 – 7/24/2025. We have a crew of 6 committed to this high-adventure opportunity and need 2 more to meet the minimum of 8. The maximum crew size is 12, so we have room to grow.
To recap, this high-adventure trip will cost $1,675 per person plus travel to/from Philmont. There is a financial agreement with payment schedule similar to previous adventure camp agreements.
If your scout is interested and able to commit, please use this SignUp Genius link to register. As the coordinator for this effort, I will schedule regular information and planning meetings.
Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4FACAD2DA1FCCF8-47987066-philmont
Please review the Philmont Scout Ranch website for more information about the camp itself: https://www.philmontscoutranch.org/
The crew will be led by Jason Holpuch and Shawn Hatch.
The following Scouts have committed to this adventure:
1. Miles Kunke
2. Alex Winslow
3. Jefferson Holpuch
4. Noah Hatch
Join us! You’ll love it!
Please contact me if you have questions or concerns before registering.
Jean Kunkle