Ready for some backpacking?!! Troop 287 is heading up Stanley Canyon (accessed from the USAF Academy) from 15-17 July (Fri-Sun)!
Here is a link to a file with ideas on what to pack for meals and for camping gear (ignore the dates on the document; review for packing list and meal ideas).
Importantly, scouts will need a sleeping bag rated to at least 20 F! Scouts should bring all gear packed in their backpack to the meeting on Tuesday, 12 July, for a shakedown so we make sure everybody has the required items for a successful trip.
This will be a great trip for both seasoned scouts and our newest scouts. Don’t miss the fun!
If you need any gear (backpack, sleeping bag,etc.) now is the time to get them at 4th of July sales, or let me know as we have access to some of these items (