Snowshoe Campout Details 3-4 March 2018

BSA Troop 287 —  February 20, 2018 — Leave a comment


Here are the details for our campout.

Time Line:

March 3:

0700: Meet in the church parking lot

0730: Depart for Sentinel Point Trail in Florissant, CO

0900 – UTC: Hike Trail, Set Up Camp, Avalanche Safety Training, Build Snow Shelters, Cold Weather Training and Playing.

March 4th:

0900: Depart Camp

1000: Depart to the Church

1100 or earlier: Arrive at the Church

Winter Packing List:  We will tailor this….

Cost: $15 per scout (This will cover the food and extra stuff like handwarmers and such)  Pay Treasurer

Snowshoe rental: $18 (I might be able to get these free). Pay Troop Treasurer.

Location: Sentinel Point Trail in Florissant



Food:  Scout Patrols will determine

Merit Badge Accomplishment: Snow Sports Merit Badge

Skill Accomplishment:  Winter Survival and Fun

Cold Weather Safety COLDER


BSA Troop 287


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