Troop, many of the older boys are headed to Sea Base in Florida this week. I hope they have fun surrounded by all that water with no land in sight and sleeping on the deck of a ship while rocking gently with the waves; hopefully they are tied to part of the ship so they do not fall into the water and left to drift alone to be found by a passing pirate ship, only to grow up in a life of swabbing the deck and talking with heavy “rrrr’s” while wearing an eye patch to keep their night vision up to speck for when they are sent below deck to get more rum for the Cap’n. Anyways, good luck to them.
While they are gone: Festivus for the restofus! (at least most of us). Instead of having a regular meeting at the Church, Mr. Petree has invited us all to meet at his house and have a grill out (the Petree’s are providing all provisions). Mr. Petree has activities planned to fill the time at his house, which are Scout skill oriented. An opening and closing ceremony will be conducted, as with all of our meetings. His house is located right around the corner from the church on Silent Rain Dr, more specifically, 2460 Silent Rain Dr. Of Course 7-8:30 on Tuesday night for our regular meeting time. Just the location is different.
Class B uniforms WITH pocket knives! Or fixed blades, which ever you feel more comfortable with. Just no machetes or swords or anything crazy like that! Please follow BSA guidelines.
Our next meetings Schedule:
6 Aug: Mr Petree’s house (I will be in lovely Alabama this week)
13 Aug: Church: Camp Prep for lazy camp and troop elections (effective date 28 Aug)
16-18 Aug: Lazy Camp at the barn (clean up, pioneering, geocaching)
20 Aug: Boards of Review (Malcolm, Evan, Conner), Class A inspection, and Annual Planning meeting (Scout edition).
27 Aug: COH (Ice Cream Social)