Sea Base 2019

BSA Troop 287 —  November 7, 2017 — Leave a comment

Parents and Scouts,

It seems like a ways away but registration for our High Adventure Camps is already open for summer 2019. There are three high adventure camps…Sea Base (Sailing in the Florida Keys), Philmont (Long hikes over 11 Days in New Mexico), and Boundary Waters/Northern Tier (Canoeing in Minnesota).  Scouts must have completed the 8th great or be 14 years old.  We will have a lot in the summer of 2019.  The boys seemed to want to do Sea Base in 2019, Philmont in 2020 and Northern Tier in 2021.

Sea Base has many adventures at Sea.  Sailing, Fishing, Snorkling, Diving, etc. We would live on a sailboat for a week and do all those things.

The cost is about $7,000-$8000 for a crew.  Sounds like a lot but if we can get 10 people there it lowers the cost.

I have been to Sea Base with my older son and it was amazing!

Check out the adventures we can have!!

Please sign up if you have an interest to go!!

Here is the link to sign up:




BSA Troop 287


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