Troop, this weekend the range is reserved and so is the campsite out at Cris Dobbins, near Elbert, CO.
Here is the plan: Ethan G. and Austin P. are purchasing the food for their patrols. There are a total of 7 Scouts attending (according to the sign-up) on Saturday (plan and purchase accordingly, gents!). I think there will be 5 adult leaders there on Saturday to help supervise each other (because the Scouts don’t need supervision, right!)
Elbert County is currently under Stage 2 fire restrictions due to high winds and dry conditions, so we will not be able to have any open fires. Camp stoves and stuff like that are good to go, but no fire pit.
Weather (dress and pack appropriately). I don’t think we have anyone going that has not been on a cold weather trip, so please make sure you bring the right stuff:
FRI MAR 13 | Snow Showers/Wind | 31°26° | 50% | SSE 24 mph | 84% |
SAT MAR 14 | Mostly Sunny | 52°31° | 0% | S 13 mph | 48% |
SUN MAR 15 | Partly Cloudy | 54°35° | 10% | S 14 mph | 54% |
Packing: As with most cases, we like to pack out as if we were hiking across country. Self sufficiency and all that. pack what you need, but don’t over do it because you have to carry it all yourself!
Timeline (these are the hard times. Scouts will develop the backwards planning for meals and other marginal incidental things:
5:30pm Friday: Meet up at the barn and cross load equipment and kids. then roll out to CCD, set up camp, sleep. (Dinner on your own or bring it with)
8:00am Saturday: Range goes hot, Mr. Warner will provide instruction and all that. (b-fast prior-planning by Scouts)
1:00pm (or whenever): Range goes cold. We clean firearms and turn them in.
2:00pm: return to camp and work ADV, camp skills and all that fun Scout stuff. Lunch, dinner, sleep~.
No later than 10am Sunday: back at the barn for pickup. (we may be there earlier for recovery operations); (b-fast & pack-up is determined on the motivation of the crew)
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please let me know. I likely forgot something.