Popcorn Sales Start Tomorrow!!

BSA Troop 287 —  September 8, 2016 — Leave a comment



Just a friendly reminder that popcorn door to door sales start tomorrow!!! September 9th….

Here are a few tips for successful popcorn selling:

  1. Always have an adult present when selling popcorn. Safety is the first priority!
  2. Wear your Class A uniform and be polite.  Make a good Impression.
  3. Ask for payment upfront. Checks are made out to Troop 287.  Make sure you mark down who paid and how much. It gets confusing when you mix up everyone’s money.
  4. Start selling your popcorn Friday, Sep 9th (Tomorrow)! If you wait to long then people will have already bought popcorn.
  5. Set up your online account to sell to family and friends across the nation.  Its really easy!
  6. Set a goal…for example, $300 of popcorn sales will put about $100 in your scout account. That’s really easy to accomplish.
  7. Hit up your parents Co-Workers. Scout’s sell a lot that way 🙂

Finally, if you did not receive your order form in the mail then you can pick another one up at council.

Good luck and have fun!!!

Sean Warner

BSA Troop 287


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