Hi there Troop 287,
I am sure by now you heard the great news that we were lucky winners of the Philmont Adventure Camp Registration Lottery for 2014. The dates are June 10-22, 2014.
I know it seems like a very long time from now but we actually have to get our reservation deposit in by the end of February. We have spots for 2 to 4 Adults and 8 to 10 Scouts (Depending on how many adults sign up). The deposit is $100.00 and you must complete the attached Agreement.
Because this is a high adventure camp there is a age restriction of 14 years old at the beginning of the camp — or completed 8th grade and a minimum of 13 years old.
Please see your scoutmaster or me to get your reservation in.
Kathy Kaelin – Treasurer and Camp Coordinator -Troop 287