Troop, a few weeks ago, we were offered the opportunity to fill some slots at Northern Tier. This opportunity is for Scouts who are 13years old and have completed the 8th grade, or are already 14 years old by the time of attendance (Jun next year). If you are interested, the sign up link is below.
Here is the catch: We have to pay our deposit by Thursday this week!! This means, if we get enough for a crew to do this, you’ve got to be able to put your money where your mouth is and drop off a check for the amount of $700+/attendee by Thursday so the Troop can drop the money on-line to reserve our spot. Right now there are three people signed up (Geren, me, and Jack D.). So, if you are (or will be) of age, and are interested, and have the cash to cover it (final price to be detailed in the next day or so), sign up.
I gotta know quickly!!