There is no meeting on Tuesday, 5 April.
Here are the events for this week!
6 Apr, Wednesday: Pack 6 Webelo Crossover to Troop 287. This will occur at Howbert Elementary beginning at 5:50 pm and ending around 8:15 pm. Need 3-5 Scouts (preferably Scouts who were previously in Pack 6) for a flag detail and to welcome the new Scouts. Participating Scouts will earn a pebble for their Centennial patch. Please signup via signupgenius or shoot me an e-mail at if you can attend.
7 Apr, Thursday: Game Night, 5-6:30 pm (note time change), Dart Warz (, 5850 Championship View, STE 110, Colorado Springs, CO 80922). Please fill out the online waiver via the link on the website prior to arrival. Cost is $6 for one hour of play, all-inclusive (dart devices, ammo, safety glasses). Please wear socks to the event.