Movie Night!!

Tony Turner —  January 13, 2025 — Leave a comment


This week, we will be watching Raiders of the Lost Ark at the church from 6:30-8:30! Mr. Zsoka and Mr. Petree will be bringing popcorn and soda, but feel free to bring your own snacks if you’d like.


1/21: Troop Bridging: Some new scouts will visit our troop to explore it. We’ll set up a few stations to show what we do here. These include a tent station, a ropes station, an ice/rock climbing station, a first aid station, a skit involving four to six scouts, and a slideshow at the end.

1/28: Meal planning and prep for the Ice Climbing Campout

1/31-2/3: Ice Climbing Campout

2/4: Game Night: WhirlyBall at WhirlyBall Colorado Springs, 3871 Palmer Park Blvd; $15.00/pp

Mr. Turner

Tony Turner


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