This week, we will be watching Raiders of the Lost Ark at the church from 6:30-8:30! Mr. Zsoka and Mr. Petree will be bringing popcorn and soda, but feel free to bring your own snacks if you’d like.
1/21: Troop Bridging: Some new scouts will visit our troop to explore it. We’ll set up a few stations to show what we do here. These include a tent station, a ropes station, an ice/rock climbing station, a first aid station, a skit involving four to six scouts, and a slideshow at the end.
1/28: Meal planning and prep for the Ice Climbing Campout
Welcome to the website of Boy Scout Troop 287 at Wilson United Methodist Church, located on the northwest side of Colorado Springs, CO, in school districts 11 and 20. We are in the BSA Pikes Peak Council, Frontier District.
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