Boy Scout Troop 287
Meeting: Troop 287 Committee Meeting
Date & Time: December 8, 2015, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: Wilson United Methodist Church
In attendance:
Jon Ullman, Mary Cuccaro, Tom Sharp, Jonathan Weston, Sean Warner, Andrea Warner, Lisa Woodard and Sandy Johnston.
Jon Ullman – Scout Master
- Discussed the need for a December activity
- January activity will be the Freeze-o-Ree at the Air Force Academy
- February – discussed the need for the new Troop Flag Coordinator to begin communication with the community
Sean Warner – Assistant Scout Master
- December 20th – Free Sledding event with the Upa Downa Club at Aspen Valley Ranch, in Woodland Park; hot chocolate included. 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Andrea Warner – Treasurer
- November reconciliation report was reviewed and approved
- Informed Committee that $175 in Popcorn money is overdue
- How the Rotary Club pays us for Flag sales was discussed
- Secretary will now be given a copy of the most recent bank account statement
Tom Sharp – Charter Organization Representative
- Sunday December 27th – 5:45 pm – Soup Kitchen volunteer opportunity
- Boys need to let Lisa Woodard know if they want to pay for and continue receiving the Boys Life magazine.
Sandy Johnston – Committee Chair
- Discussed ways of increasing attendance for the Flag days