Merit badge Selections–Thank you parents and Scouts!!!

Ray Petree —  April 22, 2022 — Leave a comment

Parents and Scouts,

I know this past couple of days were a little rushed in reference to merit badge selections. But I want to send this out as a thank you for being patient and working with your Scouts to get those selection sheets and information back to me so quickly. Truly, it will benefit your Scouts since nearly everyone got their first choices of badges. The only “alternate” choices made were substitutions for Shotgun Shooting for the first year Scouts. While there is no BSA requirement for age, many camps limit that badge selection because many first year Scouts are just a little too small to successfully shoot 50 rounds of 12ga ammo in order to qualify. At least it gives those Scouts something to look forward to next summer!!

So, now what? We have 25 Scouts signed up for camp, and all 25 have their Merit Badges chosen. I will send out the actual scedule in the next day or so.

The next focus is medical forms. Here they are in case you need them. These are the only medical forms the BSA will accept. If you have a current physical for your Scout, and it will remain current through our time at camp (they are valid for 1 year). then I would suggest transferring the information from your “non-BSA” form to the BSA form linked below. Then have it signed by your physician or whomever.

We are required to mail all hard copies of these medical forms to camp in Mid-Jun. I will bug you as we get closer.

Again, thanks so much for getting those selections to me on such short notice.


Ray Petree


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