Meeting on 6/11

Ray Petree —  June 7, 2019 — Leave a comment


Our meeting this coming week will focus on individual equipment prep and finalize troop equipment load-out into the trailer.

Below are the links for the individual and troop gear lists. If you are attending summer camp (especially if you are a first time summer camper), please ensure your packing list is completed and bought to the meeting so your leadership can conduct an inspection. While not a requirement, it provides the leadership the opportunity to get used to this type of activity.

Any candy, food, snacks, etc., should be brought in a separate bag/container for storing in the trailer overnight and while we are away from the tent sites (access will be granted while we are in camp). The use of bear bins (our trailer) is required and a safety concern. At no time is food allowed in the tents to prevent the boys sleeping with unwanted companions.

A sign up genius will follow for those willing to transport Scouts to camp. We have a roster of 15 Scouts, and will need to seat them for the trip. I would like to meet up at the church on Sunday morning to head up there as a group. Accountability is way easier that way.

Make sure all those Scouts who attended last week need to bring their books so we can give credit (mostly so the adults don’t forget when it comes time to do SM Conferences).

There were a couple of parents looking for additional information on the Flag Program. It can be found at the link below.

See you guys on Tuesday!


Ray Petree


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