Tomorrow night we will be meeting up at the barn. Attire will be Class B uniforms.
We will have some fun patrol challenges and further develop our teamwork. We need to get our new Patrol names, calls, flags, etc. ready. Patrol Leaders make sure you are present.
There are still a lot of adventures to have this summer and we will be taking advantage of the daylight to make sure we are prepared and everything is in order.
Many of you have troop gear that you had taken home to cleanup following outings. Things like tents and stoves etc. Please take a look around and bring those with tomorrow evening. We need gear back to make sure we are ready for the next adventure. Check twice!
Speaking of next adventure…. get ready for Summer Camp. We have signed up and chose our merit badges. All we need to do is pack… right!?!?! … Wrong!!! Many are still missing medical forms. Mr. McGuire has been asking and asking. If you turned them in… Great Job! If not, the deadline is tomorrow night. Bring them with you.
August will be Squirrel Creek Backpacking Trip and Bishop’s Castle. Post and more info coming soon.
Things you’ll need…..
1. Good Attitude
2. Scout Book
3. Troop gear you have
4. BSA Med Forms (A,B1,B2,C)
See you soon!
Mr. Petree