Boy Scout Troop 287
Meeting: Troop 287 Committee Meeting
Date & Time: March 14, 2017, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: Wilson United Methodist Church
In attendance: Sandy Johnston, Danny Reeves, Pam Reeves , Sean Warner, Tom Sharp, Jonathan Weston, Sandy Diggs, Mary Cuccaro, Roxann and Michael Pharris
Sean Warner – Scout Master
- Opened the meeting
- March 21, 2017 – Game Night, proposed ice skating at Sertich Ice Center. Possible alternative location will be announced. Please watch for updates.
- April 21- 23, 2017 – Bishop’s Castle Campout, 12705 State Hwy 165, Rye Colorado. (
- May19 -20, 2017 – Farish Campout with Pack 6
- Reminder Flags are coming up soon
- Reminder Summer Camp is June.
- Planning for High Adventure Campout is being discussed.
- Scoutmaster conferences – evaluation of the current process was discussed.
To approve update conferences and addressing skills in scout meetings
Sandy Johnston – Committee Chair
- Troop Scout elections- discussed standardization to process and to have leaderships positions filled by certain rank
- May 16, 2017, a Council representative from Investment In Character (IIC) formerly Friends of Scouting will be presenting at the Court of Honor
- Scholarship Fund review and request presented
- ****There is an URGENT need for a fundraising committee member for flags and popcorn sales****.Flags are in May! Please consider the position and contact Sean or Sandy as soon as possible.
To approve standardization of Troop elections
To approve designated scholarship fund request
Danny Reeves – Committee Treasurer:
- Gave the current status of the Troop’s total operating account