Last minute camp reminders:

jeninewinslow —  July 8, 2023 — Leave a comment

Hello, Campers!

Hope you are getting excited and packed for scout camp.  We will plan to come home on Friday night as a troop and aim to leave Camp A after Family Night around 9:30pm. Please coordinate with Mr. Anderson and Mr. Hoekstra before departing so everyone is accounted for. 

See the carpool sign-up below and we still need a volunteer to bring back the troop trailer.

PACKING: Please double-check the packing list and remember to use a large plastic bin for all your belongings. Here are a few other things we suggest bringing:

– Camp Chair 

– Swim Goggles

– Snacks: Pack them in a large plastic ziplock with your name and Troop number on it. They will be stored locked in the trailer (cannot be stored in your tent). 

MEDICAL FORMS: We will need to correct any medical form errors on Sunday at the barn before departing. All forms must be correct, complete, and compiled into one document for Camp A. 


– Meet at Barn at 1:30pm Sunday, 7/9 for a 2pm departure (see sign up below for carpooling)

– Scouts need to eat lunch beforehand, dinner at Camp A will be provided 

– Troop will check out Friday (7/14) around 9:30pm with a tentative pick-up time at the barn around 10:30pm. 


Go to the Camp A website, click on “Program” and then “Camp A Leader’s Guide” which is full of helpful info and a daily schedule.

Camp -A-packing-listDownload


One of the highlights at Camp Alexander is Friday Family Night. Friends and family are welcome to join in the fun and spirit on Friday afternoon as the scouts participate in camp-wide events. At 5:15 PM the camp will have its final assembly, with Scouts dressed in full field uniform. Awards and rank recognitions will be presented at this time. Be sure to have cameras ready to capture the great moments.  Friday evening meal tickets are sold at the Business Office at $10 and must be purchased prior to dining.

There is no charge for the Scouts and leaders in attendance at camp during the week as the cost is already included in the camp fee. The closing campfire, performed by the Scouts, will begin at approximately 7:45 PM and should conclude by 9:30 PM.


This is not mandatory of course, but many of the boys enjoy participating!

Monday – Crazy Sock Day – wear your favorite crazy sock(s)!

Tuesday – Camp T-Shirt Day – wear your favorite Camp Alexander t-shirt

Wednesday – OA Day – wear your OA sash with full field uniform

Thursday – Crazy Hat Day—wear a crazy hat!

Friday – Floral Fridays– wear your favorite floral shirt



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