Labor Day Flags – More Help Needed

BSA Troop 287 —  August 29, 2017 — Leave a comment


Parents, we are still in need of drivers and scouts for Labor Day Flags. We are going to divide it into 4 routes at this point. So, we need one more driver and two scouts on the morning route and one more scout for the afternoon. I will be out of town working and Sandy will be out of town too so we cannot drive this time. The trailer is still available too so someone can use it to transport the Flags.  If we cannot get another driver in the morning then someone will have to do two routes which is pretty demanding.

Its a true privilege to put out Flags in honor of our national holidays! Please participate in supporting the troop and your scout’s activities.

I thank you in advance for your team work and dedication to the troop!!

Here is the link to sign up:

Thank you!!!


BSA Troop 287


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