Just a couple admin things! Need volunteers!

Ray Petree —  November 7, 2022 — Leave a comment


I wanted to reach out and express my thanks to all of the fantastic committee members and the troop for the past year of support.

The reason I started out with that sentence is because I am looking to step down as the Committee Chair and let someone else take those reins. I would like to have someone tagged as the incoming Chair by our COH next week on the 15th, so please let me know if you are interested in the position.

It is not like I am leaving for good, I am just stepping back into a “parent support” or “ASM-undecided” role. Which means, I will be here to provide support and to answer any questions whomever replaces me will have.

A few things about the Committee Chair position:

1. Without a Committee Chair, the Troop WILL fold. There are three positions required to have a Troop: Committee Chair, Chartered Organization Representative (COR), and Scoutmaster. These positions are required to be filled by separate people. Those separate people can double up jobs on the Committee (like Advancements and COR), but not as a Scoutmaster/Assistant SM and a committee position. The reason for that is the SM is a non-voting/informal member of the committee and therefore cannot have a separate job/position on the committee.

2. It is really a fairly easy job with the awesome support we currently have on the committee. Just have to hold the monthly meetings, coordinate the Committee’s efforts throughout the year and to organize the Courts of Honor (which are pretty much pre-programmed with some refinement as they approach-Thanks Janine for your work on that).

3. The committee chair will also need to have completed all the required training for the position. The training can be found at my.scouting.org.

On that note:

Also coming open at the end of the year is the Treasurer position. Carrie has been doing that job for the past three years and it is time for her to pass the buck/checkbook to another willing participant.

  1. The Treasurer handles the finances of the troop, including the Scout accounts, trailer registrations, and payments to camps, activities, reimbursements, etc.
  2. Provides monthly updates to the rest of the committee on the troop’s finances.
  3. provies quarterly updates to Scout families as to the standing of the individual scout accounts.
  4. Ensures there are funds in our account at Council for new registrants and the Scout Shop for purchases for COH things.

Anyway, enough rambling from this guy!

Please let me know if you are interested in either of these positions, as I will not be re-registering under the rechartering process which another great volunteer, Kristen, is handling for the troop!

You can call, text, or email me if additional information on either of the positions above.

Dan 228-806-9063 / geren.mcguire@hotmail.com

Ray Petree


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