Date & Time: January10 2017, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: Wilson United Methodist Church
In attendance: Lisa Durrenberger, Sandy Johnston, Danny Reeves, Sean Warner, Jonathan Weston, Tom Sharp, Mary Cuccaro,Sandy Diggs
Sandy Johnston – Committee Chair:
- Opened the meeting
- Scholarship Fund review and requests
- February 21, 2017 :Court of Honor, Chili Cook-Off, 5:30 p.m. set up, 6 p.m. dinner
- February 13, 2017 : Committee meeting is at 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The date was moved due to the upcoming holiday. (Tuesday to Monday)
- There is a urgent need for a fundraising committee member. (flags and popcorn sales) Please consider the position and contact Sean or Sandy as soon as possible.
- Discussed fees due for the Summer Campout 2017: Four payments of $87.50 are due January, February, March, and April 2017. If you missed payment tonight at the scout meeting, please bring to the next meeting.
To approve designated scholarship fund request
Danny Reeves – Committee Treasurer:
- Gave the current status of the Troop’s total operating account
- Discussed the current status of equipment, scholarship and education funds.
- Discussed the current status of flag and summer camp accounts
Sean Warner – Scout Master:
- January 20st and January 21st 2017 (Friday and Saturday night clean up) Lock In /Campout at Wilson Church. This will be an opportunity to work on cooking merit badge
- January 17th and January 24th 2017 Meetings: City Rock, 21 N Nevada, Colorado Springs. Scouts will be working on the climbing merit badge.
- February 4 2017- proposed ski trip with council; to work on snow merit badge. For beginning skiers this is opportunity to come learn and have fun with the troop.
- Sign Up Genius will be sent for planned events
- Discussion regarding purchasing new equipment and materials for the Troop trailer
- Thank you for all of the participation for the volunteer events. There was tremendous support and it is appreciated.
Tom Sharp- Chartered Org. Rep Committee Member:
- Scout Sunday Observance: More about this special day will be posted to the Troop website.