Glen Aspen Campout and some other stuff

BSA Troop 287 —  October 13, 2017 — Leave a comment



Hello Troop,

We have our next camping trip coming up from the 20th – 22nd at Glen Aspen Boy Scout Ranch in Woodland Park.  Our next Tuesday meeting will focus on getting prepared for the campout.  Our Scouts planned an awesome trip!  They elected to make this campout a cooking competition during breakfast and dinner and do some orienteering/hike trips during the day. We will also play some fun skills competition during the day by making apparatus though lashings and knots.

Here is a packing list guide that the scouts can use for the trip:

Please add a compass to this. Every scout should have a good compass.

The Scout DO NOT need to bring their personal gear to the next meeting because we will be going through troop gear and doing final planning of the campout.

This is also a great opportunity for scouts to accomplish many Rank Advancements and merit badges of their choosing. All scouts should look in their books and plan ahead of what items they need to get done individually before the camp out.

Bring ideas to the campout to help the SPL and ASPL to plan it out Tuesday.

Please remember to sign up on Sign Up Genius. There is now a link on the top of the troop website where you can find all the Sign Up Activities:

We have two adults going at this time. The scouts wanted to do an out and back overnighter back pack excursion and we would need two more adults to make this happen.

We will arrive at the church at 530pm on the 20th and will be back at the church before noon on the 22nd.


BSA Troop 287


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