Glen Aspen Campout 20-22 Oct Woodland Park

BSA Troop 287 —  October 6, 2017 — Leave a comment



Neither Fort Carson nor the Air Force Academy can run a Climbing Merit Badge this month so I requested the use the our primitive Boy Scout Ranch in Woodland Park. We can either do some car camping with hikes or backpacking. We can decide at the next meeting what we would like to accomplish….or it can just be a lazy campfire campout. Its beautiful area and its only 35 minutes from Colorado Springs.

I figure this campout would cost about $15 per scout as its only $4 per scout to use the area for the weekend and the rest can go towards food. We will need two Leaders to go. I may or may not be able to go myself….

We DO need to keep camping regularly to stay active and have fun outdoors!!!

The campout will be from 20-22 Oct.  We will figure out the details at the next meeting. Please sign up at the below Sign Up Genius Link:



BSA Troop 287


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