Fort Carson is a go so far!

Ray Petree —  March 11, 2021 — Leave a comment


The weather looks to be pushing a little to the north of Fort Carson, which means the snow isn’t going to hit as hard as we thought it was going to. the current forcast (Thursday morning) is:

I will make contact again with Fort Carson Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to verify the status and all that and make a quick post of the results.

Here is the plan again:

We will meet up at the Gate 1 Visitor Center at 5pm.
I will sponsor everyone onto the installation. Parents please bring DL, Ins, and vehicle registration (all must be current).
After the pass is granted, we can either convoy or go individually to the camp site. If it is early enough, we can head straight down 115 to Gate 6. Enter the gate, and take an immediate right into Camp Carson.

Gate 6 closes at 6pm, so if we dont have the time, we will have to go through the installation. We will make that determination tomorrow night.

Let me know if there are any questions, comments or concerns.

Make sure you sign up!


Ray Petree


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