Fort Carson Family Camp

Ray Petree —  March 6, 2021 — Leave a comment
U.S. Military Campgrounds and RV Parks - Camp Falcon


We decided to camp at Fort Carson’s Camp Falcon. This is a rustic camp with some fire rings and trees. This will be a family oriented camping trip, open to all Family members. Because this is a family trip, we usually “car camp” and do some hiking and other fun stuff near the campsites. Archery, Sling shots, baggo, pioneering, and stuff like that. Since you all wanted to do some orienteering, we will do that as well. That being said, if you have a family tradition while camping, you are more than welcome to bring it along and teach it to us! Bring your books too, so we can sign off on rank advancement.

Since this is a family camp, Families will be responsible for food items (plus-covid rules apply, so no food sharing between families). We will not host any community meals this time. Which means, no Intra-patrol cooking competition (sad face). However, this does not mean you cannot get credit for rank advancement for the meal planning, budgeting, and purchasing of food. If your family is coming, plan, budget and buy the food that will sustain you and your family for the weekend, then prep that food and eat it. This will earn you the credit for rank advancement (adult leaders will verify with parents this was completed within the requirements). 

Go ahead and sign up and we will see you there!

Directions from the Church (ignore the right turn at Wilderness Rd; turn left onto Fort Carson)-stand-by for change in directions-we may need to go through gate 1 and traverse the entire post to get to where we are going, for now, here are the basic directions (more to follow):,-104.8677682/Fort+Carson+Falcon+Campground,+Colorado+Springs,+CO+80926/@38.8094639,-104.9356436,11.57z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x8713694fa6055c4f:0x4bda0bd08314c631!2m2!1d-104.8277435!2d38.6990623!3e0

Outdoor Recreation Complex
Our reserved location is just where the 4 tents are depicted in the graphic above, to the right of the P signs, and above the purple camper #7.

************************************************************************I am working on getting everyone access to the installation for the camping, so please be prepared for additional information. If you have access to the post (military, DOD, etc.), please let me know in your sign up. If you need access, please let me know that as well, I need to get a memo with everyone’s name on it who will be on post to the access control guys as soon as possible. ************************************************************************


Ray Petree


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