We will be meeting at the barn on Friday at 5:00 to grab troop gear and carpool to Camp A. Mr. Zsoka, Mr. Turner, and Mr. Anderson will be driving. We should return to the barn on Sunday around 11:00. Also, we are staying in the lower conference room (a large open room) so we should be able to play board games or card games in the evening (bring what you want to play).
Packing List for Campout
Essentials: Backpack, Water bottle, Hygiene essentials, First Aide Kit
Clothing: Medium gloves, Sunglasses, Snow pants, Thick jacket or ski jacket, Lots of layers and a change of cloths
Sleeping Gear: Sleeping pad, Sleeping bag, Pillow
Activities & Equipment:
Sled (Optional, Remember to bring a helmet if sledding)
Microspikes or Yaktrax for hockey (Optional)
Snowshoes (Optional)
Boots for the crampons for Ice Climbing (Required)
Camping Furniture:
Camping chairs
From Camp A Website:
Ice Climbing Personal Gear List (PLEASE bring these items)
Waterproof pants and jacket appropriate for winter conditions. Please be aware the crampons are sharp and may cut your pants if you are not careful.
Gloves. Tighter-fitting gloves are preferred so that you can grip the Technical Ice Axe as you climb. Waterproof gloves work the best, and you may need to bring two sets.
Sunglasses or ski goggles. Depending on weather conditions, goggles may be necessary to stay warm and continue climbing.
Wool or fleece hat to wear under the helmet to stay warm as you climb.
All other winter clothing, you will need to stay warm.
Also, if you are planning to complete the Sustainability Merit Badge – here is the final requirement:
8a. On a campout or other outdoor Scouting activity that you attend, make notes on the sustainability practices you and your fellow Scouts practice. Observe transportation, forestry, soil conservation, water resources, habitat, buildings, campsites, and sanitation. Share what you observed and learned with your counselor.
Mr. Hatch recommended you write out your notes and either email or turn them in to him for review/discussion.
Welcome to the website of Boy Scout Troop 287 at Wilson United Methodist Church, located on the northwest side of Colorado Springs, CO, in school districts 11 and 20. We are in the BSA Pikes Peak Council, Frontier District.
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