Congratulations to our new Candidates elected last night for eligibility to join Scoutings Honor Society!
Austin Petree
Jefferson Holpuch
Miles Kunkle
John Reiser
You young men have been identified by your peers as being worthy of having the opportunity to join the Order of the Arrow. In order to be inducted into Scoutings Honor Society, you must undergo and pass an Ordeal. The Ordeal will be held Friday, August 19, 2022 at 6:00pm to Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 9:30pm at Camp Alexander.
Please register for the OA Fall Fellowship Weekend at the link below on the Pathway to the Rockies Council Calendar. (Click on “Council Calender” not “Pathway to the Rockies Council”)
While we will not discuss the Ordeal, what I will tell you is you need to arrive packed to camp overnight for the duration and should eat a good dinner before you arrive. Make sure you bring your best Class A uniform and appropriate outdoor footwear for this event.
This is not a Troop 287 event and you will need to pack your own gear (10 essentials) and secure your own transportation.
Mr. Petree
Brotherhood Member, OA