Here is an update from Mr Durrenberger on the MB requirements:
For Citizenship in the Community Item #3a,
Attend a meeting of your city, town, county council or school board; OR a municipal; county or state court session.
If a session is available on-line (internet) and with your parents’ permission, then watch that.
Item 3b, Choose one of the issues discussed at the meeting where a difference of opinions was expressed, and
explain to your counselor why you agrees with one opinion more than you do another one.
Jack and Mr Durrenberger will be attending the District 20 school board this Thursday Jan 23rd @6pm, 1110 Chapel Hills Drive. If you can’t make that meeting, District 20 school board holds every other Thursday @6pm.
District 11 school board meetings will be streamed live on the D-11 website on Wednesday @6:30pm.
Meetings can also be seen live on Comcast Channel 16, Falcon Broadband Channel 73, and CenturyLink Channel 8004. Meetings are rebroadcast on Saturday and Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m.
Otherwise, District 11 school board meets every Wednesday @6:30pm at 1115 N El Paso Street.