Cit in World MB – Guest Speaker and Finishing Requirements

BSA Troop 287 —  May 12, 2013 — Leave a comment

The Citizenship in the World Merit Badge (CIW) is nearing a conclusion. It is possible for scouts to finish this Tuesday and be presented the badge for the Court of Honor the following week, but it will take some effort. We will have a guest speaker that is a high school foreign exchange student from Spain that will come talk to the group for 15-20 minutes about her country and culture. ALL Scouts can attend but this is required for the CIW class.

The other outstanding requirement is &B. The scouts need to visit a web site of an International News Organization or foreign government and find a news story about a human right realized in the United States that is not recognized by another country. Write a short 1 or 2 sentences about that article.

The final requirement is to complete the workbooks. Scouts should fill out the first question which we did not cover in class. The question is to answer what does citizenship in the world mean to you. The easiest way to start is to repeat the question as a statement and fill in what it means to you. Should be something that shows thought (should be a requirement for all badges).

BSA Troop 287


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