With a number of new members and following our recent campout I thought it might be a good time to refresh everyone on expensing Patrol Shopping and Camp Fees.
If your Scout performs the shopping for an outing to fulfil a requirement and/or just be a helpful member of the group, please be aware that your family is not expected to absorb those costs.
Equally important to creating a shopping list, budget, performing a shopping trip, and cooking up all that grub, is submitting that expense with the proper information so that the attendees of the adventure all share in that cost.
Please have your Scout submit receipts for the shopping they have done along with the following information: Outing Name, Outing Dates, Patrol Name, Their Name, and the Names of the other Scouts that attended the adventure. This information should be submitted to the Scoutmaster so it can be compiled and summited it to the Troop Treasurer so it can be deducted from each Scout and reimbursed to the parent who so graciously helped their Scout shop.
This goes for any camp fees that may have been paid by the organizing adult leadership as well.
So, following our recent Family Campout, please submit those receipts for Patrol Shopping and the booking of Campsites 4,5,6, and 7 so we can process those properly.
Your in Scouting,
Scoutmaster, Troop 287
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