Canoe Trip Postponed – Tuesday Meeting Plan

BSA Troop 287 —  July 27, 2017 — Leave a comment


First, I’m sorry to say that due to the canoe rental requirements I had to make the call to postpone the canoe trip today so we do not loose the deposit on the Canoes if we can’t go tomorrow because we don’t have two adults.  It summer and a lot of people have plans and I know that two adults are not always available.  I also understand that my posts are only a week out or sometimes a little less but please refer to the calendar on the website to see all the future campouts. However, to remedy this for future campouts I’m going to have a leaders meeting and I hope we can hash out  adult participation at campouts in advance.  Since we are going to Climb Pikes Peak next month, I move the canoe outing in Pueblo to September….which might be nicer anyway because it won’t be so hot. I am looking at Sep 15 weekend for the canoe trip


Tuesday’s meeting Agenda:

  • We will have the committee meeting starting at 7pm. All committee members and all parents are always encouraged to attend.
  • This is our last meeting before the 8 August Court of Honor.  All scouts that need Scout Master Conferences and Board of Reviews please attend. This means we need max ASM and Committee member participation at this meeting.
  • I have a lot of Merit Badges to submit for summer camp. If you have completed any please turn them in at this meeting. Those that did their final cooking on the camp stove will receive their cooking merit badge.
  • We also need to do elections for new leadership positions so it will be a busy night!  Here is the guidance: SPL and ASPL – First Class Rank or higher, Patrol Leaders – Second Class Rank or higher,  Bugler, Chaplain’s aide, Quartermaster, etc. Tenderfoot or higher.  Exceptions will be made on a case by case basis.
  • The Court of Honor will be on Aug 8th at 6pm!  Lets get as many scouts as possible to the SMC to get promoted!





BSA Troop 287


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