Canoe Camp Out….Adult Leader Needed

BSA Troop 287 —  July 27, 2017 — Leave a comment


I still have this weekend’s campout planned as a go. Right now there are 4 scouts signed up and I am the only adult leader.  There has to be at least two adult leader’s to go. Please sign up today if you can go.

Also, I was made aware that the rattlesnake risk at Pueblo Reservoir might be higher than normal.  I don’t say this to scare anyone off but its important to know.   I’ve left messages with the camp rangers trying to get an update on the situation.  I am still willing to go and feel its safe as long as we know they are out there and what areas to avoid.

I also want to make sure everyone knows about calendar at the top of the website.  All these campouts have been planned throughout the year up through Aug 2017 and are posted there.  I will send posts as updates but please use that calendar as a tool to see and plan for upcoming events.  Occasionally we might make a change but the dates and activity normally stay the same.



BSA Troop 287


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